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The Old Sketchbook

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The Old Sketchbook Empty The Old Sketchbook

Post  Xonvus Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:25 pm


I was running in the field. seeing a beautiful sunset in this grassland. hope this thing will last long forever.
I was ten years old. live in the middle of grassland. with my granpa and grandma, both my parent were lost in the sea when i was four years old.
in my tenth birthday, my grandma give me a box. "this is from your parent. your parent told me to give to you at your tenth birthday". i hold the box. "The Old Sketchbook" it says. well, i never believe in magic and fairies.
i open the box. and it says
"Once you start to draw, There's no turning back".
there's a feather pen. and, an Old Sketchbook. it's makes me more curious. i touch the Sketchbook.
and this is the beginning of my adventure. and there's no turning back.


Last edited by Xonvus on Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 155
Age : 30
Lokasi : The World That Never Was
Points : 50
Registration date : 2008-05-08

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The Old Sketchbook Empty The Old Sketchbook -1

Post  Xonvus Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:27 pm

Chapter 1. Magic and Fairies

well, i never believe in magic and fairies. until, i receive this old box. i ran away to my tree house, where i put every important things. i sat alone at the branch. and open this mysterious box. suddenly, an orange light popped out from the box. "What are you?" i asked. and that thing, transformed into a butterfly-like creature. once again, i ask " aarrree you?". for the first time, i hear a teenage sound, saying the most unbelievable thing i've ever heard. "i'm a fairy".
i jumped back, and almost threw the box away. "well, are you sure?, i thought it never existed".
suddenly, it's orange light, changed, became a reddish light. i'm impressed. actually, the reddish light was a sign that he was angry. "how dare y--".
and another fabulous thing, an aqua-coloured fairy popped out. "Stop, Tangelo!, he's our new master!" he screamed. the speechless Tangelo changed back his light, to an orange-coloured fairy again. "forgive me-- master, my name is Tangelo, Tangelo resembled Orange". now i know, the orange one is Tangelo. "And my name is Cyan,cyan for my light colour, from now on, we're the guardian of this magic.. Sketchbook. should i mention the rule of this book, master?" said Cyan. "please, can you stop calling me master? my name is Eon, Eon Chron". i said.
Then, Cyan begin his speech "alright then, now, i'll explain the rule of this Sketchbook."
1. Sketchbook, Quill, and the box, must kept together.
2. Never torn the pages, it'll remove its magic.
3. if u made a mistake, erase it with this magic eraser.
4. never use other quill. it won't work.
5. u can enter ur drawing, in ur dream. it's means u must sleep.
6. if u leave ur sketchbook outside ur world then, u can't get out.
7. if u leave it inside ur world, then u can't draw again. and we'll disappear.

"Any Question so far?".
"hmm.. what if.. i can't get out from my own world?"
"i can say, u'll never wake up again. But, we'll help u out, don't be afraid."
"Let's get going!" Shout Tangelo. i think, he's in a good mood today, or he's like to travel?.
"forgive him, he's always like that." Said Cyan.
i grab the blue and yellow coloured Quill. and start to draw.
i draw a sun, because i hate darkness, then a castle, a mountain, and a forest.
then i close the sketchbook, and wait for night to come. i was very anxious.
when i was going to sleep, i put the box, beside my bed. and at last. i fell asleep.


Number of posts : 155
Age : 30
Lokasi : The World That Never Was
Points : 50
Registration date : 2008-05-08

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The Old Sketchbook Empty Re: The Old Sketchbook

Post  Xonvus Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:27 pm


Number of posts : 155
Age : 30
Lokasi : The World That Never Was
Points : 50
Registration date : 2008-05-08

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The Old Sketchbook Empty Re: The Old Sketchbook

Post  Xonvus Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:28 pm


Number of posts : 155
Age : 30
Lokasi : The World That Never Was
Points : 50
Registration date : 2008-05-08

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The Old Sketchbook Empty Re: The Old Sketchbook

Post  Xonvus Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:28 pm


Number of posts : 155
Age : 30
Lokasi : The World That Never Was
Points : 50
Registration date : 2008-05-08

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